04. Schedule of Standard Charges

05. Access Authorization
- Write down your new address and city.
- Read through all parts of the form.
- Add at least one (1) non-household member adult that you are granting access as described in the form.
- Include the telephone number or phone number for each person you are granting access to.
- Add the date, month and year
- The Head of Household needs to sign, date and print their name.
- The Witness needs to sign, date and print their name.
- The witness can be a second household adult, as well as any non-household adult familiar to the Head of Household.
- If you can not think of a family member or close friend to list as an authorized individual, consider listing a support professional or volunteer that you trust.
- You are able to update the form anytime, including removing and adding authorized individuals.
- The authorized individuals are not able to move in or take over a lease. They are simply granted limited access to the unit to help close out your residency.
- You do not need to obtain permission from the adults you are listing on the form. However, you might consider letting them know.
06. No Beds In Basement Agreement
Within the Leasing Packet Digital Folder, locate the form titled "6. No Beds in Basement Agreement" and print this form. On the form, write your new address and then print the head of household name. All household adults must sign this form