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The mission of Oshkosh / Winnebago County Housing Authority is to promote adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity, and a suitable living environment free from discrimination. Our mission is to promote and ensure safe, decent, and affordable housing for our participants, as well as provide owners and developers with an opportunity to rehabilitate and develop affordable housing. The Oshkosh / Winnebago County Housing Authority will: - Recognize our participants as our primary focus. - Work in partnership with community and government organizations to promote affordable housing options. - Act as an agent of change when performance is unacceptable. - Continue to strive for public trust and confidence through good communication and being responsive to the needs of our participants and community. - Identify and work to eliminate barriers that prevent Oshkosh / Winnebago County Housing Authority from achieving our goals as a housing authority.
The Admissions and Continued Occupancy Plan for the Public Housing Program outlines the following local objectives for the agency: - To provide improved living conditions for very low and low income families while maintaining their rent payments at an affordable level. - To operate a socially and financially sound public housing agency that provides drug-free, decent, safe, and sanitary housing with a suitable living environment for tenants and their families. - To avoid concentrations of economically and socially deprived families in any one of all of our public housing developments. - To lawfully deny the admission of applicants, or the continued occupancy of residents, whose habits and practices reasonably may be expected to adversely affect the health, safety, comfort or welfare of other residents or the physical environment of the neighborhood, or create a danger to our employees. - To attempt to house a tenant body in each development that is composed of families with a broad range of incomes and rent-paying abilities that is representative of the range of low-income families in our jurisdiction. - To promote upward mobility opportunities for families who desire to achieve self-sufficiency. - To facilitate the judicious management of the PHA inventory and efficient management of PHA staff. - To ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all other applicable Federal laws and regulations so that the admissions and continued occupancy are conducted without regard to race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, handicap, or familial status, sexual preference, or age.
The Oshkosh & Winnebago County Housing Authority provides housing assistance to over 900 households annually through the following housing programs: Affordable Rental Housing - Court Tower: Award-winning 104 unit apartment complex near the Fox River in Oshkosh featuring 93 2-bedroom apartments and 11 efficiency units. - Cumberland Court: A beautifully remodeled 72 unit neighborhood featuring 2 and 3 bedroom apartments located on the west side of Oshkosh. - Foxview: A 3-story, 30 unit 1-bedroom apartment complex located in the City of Omro, serving the elderly. - Marian Manor: A 6-story, 121 1-bedroom apartment complex in the Menominee South Neighborhood of Oshkosh. - Raulf Place: A renovated historic 10-story apartment complex featuring 104 1- and 2-bedroom apartments on Main Street, downtown Oshkosh. - Riverside Apartments: A 3-story, 31 unit apartment complex featuring 30 1-bedroom and one 2-bedroom apartments located downtown Winneconne, serving the elderly. - Scattered Site Family Units: 156 units comprised of 2-5 bedroom townhomes, duplexes and single family homes spread throughout Oshkosh, Neenah and Menasha. - Waite Rug Apartments: A 2-story, 56 unit apartment complex featuring 46 1-bedroom Public Housing apartments and 10 Project based voucher 2-bedroom apartments located at 300 Custer Avenue in Oshkosh. Housing Choice Voucher Program - The Housing Authority administers vouchers supporting 413 eligible households; 5 VASH vouchers, and; subsidy to support about 20 Main Stream vouchers. Vouchers subsidize a qualified household's rent at a participating private market landlord unit. Winnebago Homebuyer Program - The Oshkosh & Winnebago County Housing Authority administers the county's Winnebago Homebuyer Program, providing education, support and financial assistance to approximately 15 qualified homebuyers each year. The program also runs a redevelopment initiative, helping to restore and preserve aging owner-occupied housing in Oshkosh, Neenah and Menasha. Family Self Sufficiency Program - The agency administers a Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS) serving households participating in the Housing Choice Voucher Program and the Scattered Site Family Programming of the Winnebago County Housing Authority. FSS staff provide voluntary participants with guidance, support and motivation to help individual achieve goals such as education, work, financial management, household management skills, and home ownership. Participants may be eligible for the development of an individualized escrow savings account supported through FSS to help develop the funds needed to achieve these goals.
The Oshkosh / Winnebago County Housing Authority is a joint agency comprised of both the Oshkosh Housing Authority and the Winnebago County Housing Authority. The Oshkosh / Winnebago County Housing Authority is a public corporation served by boards of Commissioners with members appointed by the Winnebago County Board Chair and the City of Oshkosh Mayor.
To review board meeting minutes and agendas, visit the BOARD OF DIRECTORS page.
The Admissions and Continued Occupancy Plan (ACOP), Tenant Selection Plans, and Administrative Plan identifies the agency's policies and procedures related to rental housing programming. The agency's Plans can be VIEWED ONLINE HERE
The Housing Authority receives funding for operations and capital management through the US Department of Urban Development (HUD). The HA also collects tenant rent. Supplemental funding for additional programming includes: Grant funding for Social Service Coordinators; Family Self Sufficiency Program staff grant funding through HUD; and Homebuyer Program funding through the Wisconsin Division of Housing.
Media inquiries should be directed to Oshkosh / Winnebago County Housing Authority Executive Director Susan van Houwelingen at 920.424.1450 ext. 112, or email to: suv (at) ohawcha.org.